Friday 8 November 2019

Friday Blog!

This week we worked on a multistep problem where students use skip counting, repeat addition, doubling and multiplication to determine how many of each grocery item was in the store. Students are being introduced to the distributive and properties of multiplication. For example, when counting plums many students split each box in half and counted each half as 3 groups of 3 (3 X3). They then doubled the answer to determine the number of plums in the entire box.  They are also starting to learn the commutative property of multiplication through creating and looking at arrays. For example a x b = b x a.

Inquiry and Writing

Most students have now completed writing their mystery rock conclusions. 

We also have being discussing the Rights and Responsibilities of Canadians. After learning about the many geological disasters and reading several books, students have been debating whether or not Canadians have the responsibility to help people in other countries. Students are currently working on a persuasive writing piece related to this topic. 

Remembrance Day

Students did an outstanding job singing " A Peaceful River" during the Remembrance Day Assembly. In class we read a story book called A Bear In War that is about a father who goes to war in 2016. The discussion afterwards included many connections to students families. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the assembly. 

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